Art at SJA
Art at SJA provides children with the opportunity to delve into their creative side. The children’s learning journey has been developed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils through the teaching of knowledge and skills to enable them to create their own responses across a range of mediums and styles. Our key concepts that underpin our art curriculum are ‘take inspiration, master techniques and develop ideas’. Children are encouraged to analyse the work of famous artists and their own in order to achieve a critical, reflective and evaluative eye through modelling and discussion of key artistic terms such as bold, subtle, dramatic and vibrant.
The 12 units they will explore during their time at SJA provide children with an experience of art across a range of different times, cultures and artistic movements, through cross-curricular links that signal how art reflects and shapes our nation’s and our world’s history. Sketchbooks are used to record the children’s ideas, reflections and skill practice. Over time, the children will develop and master artistic techniques in the areas of drawing, painting and sculpture alongside learning about influential, historical and modern day artists. Children will experience creating a range of final pieces from a variety of mediums from papier-mâché to collage, from line drawing to printing, from mosaics to watercolour.
Our art lessons support children’s wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem through providing opportunities for self-expression. Regular whole school art competitions are held, which celebrate the subject, provide a wider audience for the children’s endeavours, enable individuals to take ownership over the subject and continue their love of art outside of the taught curriculum.