At Southwater Junior Academy, we expect all children to wear school uniform as it is one way in which they can have a sense of identity and belonging.
The Academy has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable and in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of uniform. You can find our Uniform Policy on our policy page.
We ask that all items are clearly named.
All uniform can be purchased directly with Taylor Made Uniforms Ltd using the below link:
Alternatively, should you wish to purchase second hand uniform from the school or discuss individual circumstances, please contact the school office by clicking here.
Second hand uniform can be purchased directly via Uniformd.
Winter Uniform
White polo shirt with red sweatshirt.
Grey skirt, trousers or culottes.
Black, grey or white socks.
Summer Uniform
As above, plus red and white checked dresses.
Black, red or grey tights.
Shoes should be suitable for school wear enabling your child to play safely at playtimes. Shoes must not have high heels or wedges. Children should not wear trainers to school.
Winter - Black shoes (boots may not be worn in school).
Summer - Black shoes or sandals (sling-back shoes or sandals are not acceptable).
PE Kit
Red, yellow, blue or green T-shirt, depending on team colour.
Black sports shorts, black cycling shorts or black skort (skirt with shorts).
Red school hoodie.
Black jogging bottoms.
Plimsolls (indoor/outdoor), trainers (outdoors).
No jewellery should be worn to school.
If children have pierced ears, only gold studs should be worn; no other kind of earrings are permitted.
Studs must be removed during all PE lessons.
Watches must not have alarms or alarms must be silenced.
Watches must not have games or other activities on them, or these must be switched off.
Personal Appearance
For safety and hygiene reasons, shoulder length hair should be tied back from the face.
Extremes of fashion are not acceptable and hair should be of natural colour.
Hair should be cut no shorter than a number 2.
Art Apron
An art apron or old shirt is required (the more it covers, the better!)